Friday, February 6, 2009

taking a little break

Sitting here with my tea waiting for hubster to get home. He is bringing with him his teenage son and one of his son's friends for the weekend. So I just finished cleaning up the bathroom they will share. And doing some laundry and dishes...lots of fun stuff...huh? I will have some alone time this weekend because they will all be doing "guy" things and having some male bonding time.

It feels good to be working again. I was expecting too much too quickly right after the move. Now it is all falling into place.

I'm about half finished reading the story of Ada Blackjack. It is a quick read.

So the desk is full with things that need to be mailed. So I will spend some time doing that tomorrow. Hopefully the boys will sleep in some.

How to be an early riser? This is the hardest thing of all for me to do.

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Hello world! It has been many years since there was a post on here. So, starting up anew. My fingers are not used to the keyboard...many mis...